This tutorial is the basics (+ Some) on how to make your game available for download. If you have a website, and made a cool game, follow this tutorial, then all your users need to do is download, and press play game. If you made a random game that took you thirty minutes, i suggest you dont do this, because it may take up to thirty minutes to do this tutorial.
This tutorial
PAS 2.6 or PAS 2.6.1
A working Brain
Preparing PAS for Exporting
First step. DUPLICATE PAS 2.6. This is important, as some changes made may be irreversible, and you want a falback just in case. I suggest you copy the game maker to your desktop, since that will make things easier. Make a new folder, called "mygame". (mygame = the name of the game you are exporting) Cut and paste the duplicate of PAS 2.6 into that folder, and rename it to "engine" Your folder structure will look like this: Desktop>mygame>engine>. That is good. Delete ALL the files, NOT THE FOLDERS, in the engine folder. You now have the engine folder empty, save for the folders. If you delete the folders, you will have to start this tutorial over again. The folders in the "engine" folder contain the gamemaker itself, while the files in the "engine" folder merely start it. Next, create two files: "mygamename_run.bat" and "" in the "mygame" Desktop>mygame> folder. of course, change mygamename to the name of your game.
Place this code in the "mygamename_run.bat" file:
Code: Select all
bin\sandbox_fps.exe -qengine\my_stuff -r %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
Code: Select all
# SANDBOX_DIR should refer to the directory in which sandbox is placed.
while [ $# -ne 0 ]
case $1 in
echo "Launching Game..."
exit 1
tag=$(expr substr "$1" 1 2)
argument=$(expr substr "$1" 3 1022)
case $tag in
SANDBOX_OPTIONS+=" $tag\"$argument\""
case $argument in
SANDBOX_EXEC="gdb --args"
case $(uname -m) in
MACHINE_BIT=64 #assume 64bit otherwise
function failed {
echo ""
echo "A problem was encountered, please check which of the following it is."
echo "1) there's no ${SANDBOX_TYPE} for module ${SANDBOX_MODULE}"
echo "2) There isn't an available executable for your architecture; $(uname -m)"
echo "3) the executable was moved"
echo "please make sure that ${SANDBOX_DIR}/bin/${SANDBOX_PREFIX}_${SANDBOX_TYPE}_${MACHINE_BIT}_${SANDBOX_MODULE} exists. If it doesn't..."
echo "install the sdl, sdl-image and sdl-mixer DEVELOPMENT libraries and use \"make -C ${SANDBOX_DIR}/src install\" to compile a binary"
echo ""
exit 1
chmod +x ./bin/sandbox_*
case ${SANDBOX_TYPE} in
if [ -a bin/${SANDBOX_PREFIX}_master ]
Editing Menus To fit Game:
You have set the PAS duplicate, so that it is no longer duplicate, and you can now actually start Working on the insides of PAS. In this section of the tutorial, I will go through the basics of editing the menus, so you can have it run your game directly from PAS, and not have select and load a map. First off, open >mygame>engine>data>fps>menus.cfg
This will edit all the menus of the FPS game. I have almost no experiance with RPG, or any other game type, so this tutorial in turn is for FPS mode only as well. The first part you will want to edit is on line number four. This menu, is the intro menu you see everytime the gamemaker start for the first time. Edit line number four through line number 82 to your hearts content. IT can be deleted, changed up, rearanged, or what ever you want. I do suggest that you keep the part including the nickname, as that stores a map variable with the users nickname. If you have no idea what im talking about here, i suggest you remove line number 4 through 82, and replace it with this code:
Code: Select all
newgui intro [
guitext "This is your first time playing. Please enter your"
guitext "chosen nickname in the text box below, and press Continue."
newname = (getname)
guifield newname 18 [name $newname]
guibutton "Continue" "cleargui; showgui main"
Code: Select all
guilist [
if (= $editing 1) [
guilist [
guibutton "Newmap" "showgui newmap"
guibutton "Savemap" "showgui savemap"
guibutton "New particle" "showgui newparticles"
guibutton "New light" "showgui newlight"
guibutton "New Mapmodel" "showgui mapmodels"
guibutton "Find Entities (F5)" "showgui entfind"
guibutton "Editing GUI" "showgui editing"
guibutton "Skybox menu (F4)" "showgui skies"
guibutton "Edit Materials" "showgui materials"
guibutton "Quickedit Menu (F3)" "showquickgui" "menu"
guibutton "Texture Menu (F2)" "showtexgui" "menu"
Code: Select all
guibutton "Toggle Editmode (e)" "edittoggle"
Code: Select all
main = [
guilist [
guibutton "Play Game" "map cubemaze2"
guilist [
guilist [
guibutton "Options" "showgui options"
guilist [
guibutton "Movie Recorder" "showgui recorder"
guilist [
guibutton "Jukebox" "showgui jukebox"
guilist [
guilist [
guibutton "Exit The Game" [ if $mainmenu [quit] [showgui quit]] exit
Code: Select all
newgui quit [
guitext "Are you certain you wish to quit?"
guistrut 1
guistrut 1
guilist [
guibutton "No, don't quit" "cleargui 1"
guistrut 20
guibutton "Yes, Quit." "quit" exit
Removing Editmode:
You have already started on removing editmode from the menus, but now your are ready to get rid of it completely. There are two methods. One that an admin, I wont say his nick (Hirato) says that editing them is bad and destructive. I disagree. IF you understand and know the risks included. The first method, requires editing the keybinds, so that there are simply no keys that allow editmode. This can be good, if you want to completely remove the game's ability to use those keys. It generally isn't. You can edit/remove the keybinds by going to >mygame>engine>data>kaymap.cfg. if you want to remove the editmode keys, go to lines 28, 51, 56, and put two slashes in front of those lines. dont delete, as they might be wanted later.
to properly remove the editing keys from your game, go into >mygame>engine>data>dafaults.cfg. Got to line 337, or search "bind BACKQUOTE [". line 337 to line 348 contains all the keys for editing. The first two binds allow the user to enter code into the game. if you dont want them to do that, then backslash it all. (looks like below:)
Code: Select all
//bind BACKQUOTE [
// @nokeybind [saycommand "/"]
//bind SLASH [
// @nokeybind [saycommand "/"]
Code: Select all
bind E [
@nokeybind [echo "GURRL"]
@ctrlkeybind [echo "HAAY"]
@shiftkeybind [echo "Pffft, The user will never see this."] //won't show unless $editing
@bothkeybind [echo "OOH, Gurl, I just got my nails did!"]
Removing editmode from the game is fairly quick, and easy to understand if you have any coding experiance. (be it C, or VB, it counts.) You have now succesfuly exported your game in PAS 2.6 Tell me about problems, correcctions, or asnything i else, and i will do me best to help out. Good luck!