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Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: February 18th, 2010, 10:42 am
by Leo_V117
oh brilliant, i didnt know that, good thing i have 2 machines running. one for browsing the web, the other for designing they both use XP at the moment but my browser machine (nicknamed B.F.B.N.F.D*) will soon be upgraded to Windows 7 due to the fact that its better than Vista and XP (XP beat Vista with ease of use and memory required (Less space needed wins)) i dont really use animator anyway but its handy to know that it may not work on Win 7 without a conversion.

* B.F.B.N.F.D stands for Built For Browsing Not For Designing, seems crazy giving them nicknames but it helps on the network when you have multiple PCs running.

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: February 19th, 2010, 10:50 am
by PizzaLover101

I have this computer used for the family, but I mainly use my laptop

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 6:58 am
by Leo_V117
oh yeah, for those annoying mp3 to ogg audio file conversions, i would take my time searching for the best one out of these:

AVS Audio coverter (they offer a large range of other editors, take your time to browse their software)

you may need to register it, but its free.

i think theres one called Switch, but i cant remember the link

and theres a few others but im trying to make your job easier and find the perfect one for you.

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: February 20th, 2010, 8:21 am
by Runescapedj
truespace 7.6 was a good program 2 I thought

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: March 7th, 2010, 1:05 pm
by Leo_V117
quick note for those who use any software that can "only" be used on XP, if you use Win 7, right click on the software shortcut and go to properties and somewhere in there amongst the tabs should be compatability, select XP package 3 as your compatability mode.

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: May 13th, 2010, 6:13 pm
by BadgerSoft
Just thought i would mention it as it is often over looked and or unknown!! Is one of the most powerful graphical editors i have ever seen for
open source and is basically Freeware Adobe Photoshop, i never use anything less now..

I highly recommend it as it has community support for added filters, effects, ect.
Personaly i have used adobe photoshop for since version 5, and is much easier to understand, making it easier to produce amazing graphics with
ease and in very very short time, usually takes me 1/3 the time it would take in Adobe.

Thanks Badger

Ps Love this engine so impressed with its ease of use and settings, have used many engines in the past fav "was" Q3 arena (rtcw modder), i am a noob to programming (still learning C++) but am blown away at the potential of this software, KEEP IT UP YOU ALL ROCK!!!

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: May 20th, 2010, 7:20 am
by TheGrimreaper
I know of another great program for making textures its called Map Zone google should help you out on the program it works wonders if you put some time into to it. never mind about google its a little harder to find than i thought heres the link

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 10:16 pm
by Beorn
Anyone use Sculptris? Does it work on Sandbox?

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: November 10th, 2010, 2:43 pm
by Radder
It's good to see that the resources are still quite a bit of help to the Sandbox community and to see some others recommended too. I'm been gone for mmm, a year at least, family health issues...
Sculptris, you would have to "retopo" the exported obj file to a low polygon model to get it into Sandbox.

Re: Good free progams for use with Sandbox

Posted: November 10th, 2010, 6:16 pm
by chocolatepie33
Wow... We need a good, strong master list of these on the wiki.