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Player Resource gathering??

Posted: June 6th, 2014, 4:35 pm
by Cowboy124aa
I'm looking to create a new sandbox game in unity 3d and platinum arts sandbox, but i have been trying to find information with little success on how to implement player resource gathering. Example a player digs in the ground and gathers dirt from his digging. he then can place the dirt somewhere to build up a mound or use the dirt in crafting something.

What i am trying to find out from this example is how this would be implement this into the game, i believe it would be a type of script I'm assuming. I know a bit about how to put the scripts into objects on unity but I have not been able to find scripts related to this type of system. If someone could point me into the right direction i would be very appreciative on any information that anyone could provide.

Re: Player Resource gathering??

Posted: June 6th, 2014, 5:18 pm
by Wind Astella
I think a simple resource shown in the game Kelgar. . It is during mud gathering quest. basic Crafting like minecraft are already a feature of RPG mode but I think a crafting to build building can be scripted. Possibly like these in my theory,

1. Player select an Item use for building/crafting a house like plank or something else.
2. Script will spawn a plank model. When player press E to interact with the plank, by script they will enter edit mode.
3. Player move the model around to build it. (Might be best to just only allow the edit of mapmodel/ partial edit mode)
4. When player confirm it position they can press enter or some sort that make them quit edit mode.

Just IMO.

Re: Player Resource gathering??

Posted: August 28th, 2014, 12:28 am
by camila
Update on my problem. I was missing some files from downloading.
I don't know how some of the files didn't make it through, but I have
re-downloaded, and it solved the problem. Thank you for trying to help.
