I plan on having even the arrows the ranger uses cost mana to use, nothing is worse then being in the middle of a battle and remembering you forgot to by ammo. I plan on adding alot of other buttons to make it feel a bit more like a standard rpg/mmo game. I will have my coder take a look at the hud_standard.cfg file.Hirato wrote: As far as UI design goes, I would advise you to keep things together.
Ammo counts as well as your health and mana are critical things to know, and if you have to look around for them... not good..
The default HUD is in data/rpg/hud_standard.cfg, why not copy the file and make your own HUD based on that?
My biggest thing is as I did with Cube 2 default fps engine I just have a thing about leaving things to default. I dont want someone to play the game and think "oh, its just PSA with different images. Though I am buidling it on PSA and keeping the logo in the bottom left corner near the cube logo I want people to see the work We've put into the game was more then just changing Icons.
I'm still toying with the idea if I want to free it or not. I'll have to have my coder take a look at it for me, he made huge improvements to Revelade Revolution so I'm sure he'll know better then me if its worth waiting or not. I do appreciate the heads up though.Hirato wrote: As for freeing the cursor, that should be a cinch, in sandbox 2.8.0, you can set freecursor to 2 to free the cursor.
The cursor will automatically be freed when a menu is opened when the setting is 1; otherwise the cursor will always be centred.
This feature is more for those who want to utilise a top-down perspective and make more tactical (and even turn based) RPGs