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Publishing game

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 3:32 pm
by CPG owner
Ok, so me and some friends are working on a game, and we wanted to be able to sell it. how could we publish it so that users wouldnt have to download sandbox?

Re: Publishing game

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 4:17 pm
by arcones
Technically you're never going to stop users from having to download Sandbox because the engine that runs your game is Sandbox. Your game = Sandbox.

But I'll break it down for you.

1. Whichever mode you're using, find all the files for that mode and SAVE THEM! Make sure that you don't delete them. Then delete all the other unnecessary files for the other modes (RPG, FPS, SSP, Kart, depending on which mode you're using). This will drastically cut down on file size.
2. Since you said you wanted to sell it, you'll have to check the assets for Sandbox (unless you're making your own) and make sure that they don't prohibit you from using them in a commercial project.

Then make sure your game actually runs, package it neatly with a little bow, and upload it to the interwebz (you don't have to do the bow part if you don't want to).

That would be my advice.

Re: Publishing game

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 6:07 pm
by chocolatepie33
to re-simplify what Arc said, Sandbox is, in a more technical sense, the Cube 2 engine (the very core of Sandbox) plus a whole lotta other content required to use the engine (e.g. textures, models, skies, music, etc). While using the Cube 2 engine for commercial purposes is totally OK, the content may have a license that prohibits commercial use (such as the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license, AKA CC-BY-NC-ND).

In removing content, find anything you didn't use and remove it from your package. A good solution may be to copy the Sandbox folder, so you have the original as a backup. You can also likely remove the source code, my_stuff folder (not entirely sure about that, actually), some of the folders in the data folder (the ones NOT pertaining to the mode your game is in), and removing editmode (and general menu editing, actually) is also a very good idea.

you could also customize your version of Sandbox, so that it's not using certain things (like GUI, HUD, loadingscreens) from Sandbox. This will give your game a semblance of independence from Sandbox.

Re: Publishing game

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 6:50 pm
by CPG owner
ok so im no where near done, but the players of my game will all have to download sandbox. well should probably put a link on the website...

Re: Publishing game

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 7:01 pm
by chocolatepie33
whoa, looks like Arc and I missed the obvious thing...

I THINK that if you package everything right and convert the .bat to .exe, then you possibly could just upload that package instead of having users download Sandbox. I'm not totally sure about that, obviously. I think that might work. Look at Master Chef Ogro.

Re: Publishing game

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 7:52 pm
by arcones
CPG owner wrote:ok so im no where near done, but the players of my game will all have to download sandbox. well should probably put a link on the website...
No... Like I said earlier, you can't separate Sandbox from your game, it is the engine that makes it run. So essentially, they'll just download your version of the Sandbox engine, with all of your assets, maps, etc.

Re: Publishing game

Posted: May 21st, 2012, 3:46 am
by RonnieNeeley
Assuming it is an MMO or any other game-type other than single player, you would have your server check the client to ensure that no editing has been done to your files as well (incase they somehow are able to edit the maps or something.)

That way, everyone has the correct version of the game and everything is good to go. ;)