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Help for begginer - answer my simple questions please

Posted: June 23rd, 2012, 8:26 am
by Ferda12

I have downloaded this software today and I already see, that It is something really awesome! But I have some basic questions, which I can´t find info about.

1) It is possible to create something like level? Like there is starting point (I already found starting point in menu), and goal point - where can I find goal point???
2) It is somehow easily possible to pickup something? Apples, meat,.. it doesn´t matter, just if It is possible to make it like I pick something and I will get +1 point or something..

I just want to make game with start point, something player can pickup (like he/she must collect 5 carronts, bannanas,.. something) and end point, is it possible?

Please give me some hints or at least links where to find this info, thanks a lot!

Re: Help for begginer - answer my simple questions please

Posted: June 23rd, 2012, 5:46 pm
by arcones
First of all, welcome to the Platinum Arts Sandbox forum! Glad you're here :)

Now to answer your questions:
1) Definitely! There's a wee bit of coding involved for the goal point, depending on what you want, but nothing difficult.

2) Yes! In FPS mode, all mapmodels can be "picked up" by setting their entity setting for 12.

Basically you want a goal in which the player must get those items before he/she can end the level? Easily accomplished in Sandbox :)

Re: Help for begginer - answer my simple questions please

Posted: June 24th, 2012, 3:57 am
by Ferda12
Hello arcones, thanks fo answers!

1) Yes, I want simply, that player must find and pickup for example 5 apples first and then he/she can finish the level, can you tell me how to do it? To show on screen something like: You have 3/5 apples would be hard, hm?
2) And how do the goal point. I´m begginer so just simply do, that something will be goal point (person, flower, really doesn´t matter, I just want to try to do it)
3) How to set in that FPS mode something like health bar and if you touch some creature, this health will go down?
Thank you very much, you can tell me just simple way to do this things. Just player should find something to open goal, how to do goal and how to do health and creature which can lower this health.

And I think about some other things too:
4) Is it possible to make object bigger or smaller? In official tutorial I haven´t found it and It is maybe only one stupid key, but I know how to rotate, move, do jumping platform from it etc, but not change the size :D
5) Do something like you will open red door only if you have red key would be hard too, hm (cause it needs inventory and so)

Sorry for dumb questions, I really want to learn to do things myself too, but first I need to understand some basics, best would be to see some "easy game tutorial" how to make some simple game with all this kind of things ;)

Re: Help for begginer - answer my simple questions please

Posted: June 24th, 2012, 2:19 pm
by arcones
Ferda12 wrote:Hello arcones, thanks fo answers!

1) Yes, I want simply, that player must find and pickup for example 5 apples first and then he/she can finish the level, can you tell me how to do it? To show on screen something like: You have 3/5 apples would be hard, hm?
2) And how do the goal point. I´m begginer so just simply do, that something will be goal point (person, flower, really doesn´t matter, I just want to try to do it)
3) How to set in that FPS mode something like health bar and if you touch some creature, this health will go down?
Thank you very much, you can tell me just simple way to do this things. Just player should find something to open goal, how to do goal and how to do health and creature which can lower this health.
1. It's not that hard. I have some spare code lying around somewhere and I'll try and find it for you :)
2. The end point (goal point, same thing) is probably also in the code. Quick question, do you want the map/level to end, or move onto another level/map?
3. You'd need to update the HUD for that, but just making a simple inventory area where it shows your health isn't hard. Now having an actual creature that would take away your health is a bit harder.
Ferda12 wrote: And I think about some other things too:
4) Is it possible to make object bigger or smaller? In official tutorial I haven´t found it and It is maybe only one stupid key, but I know how to rotate, move, do jumping platform from it etc, but not change the size :D
5) Do something like you will open red door only if you have red key would be hard too, hm (cause it needs inventory and so)

Sorry for dumb questions, I really want to learn to do things myself too, but first I need to understand some basics, best would be to see some "easy game tutorial" how to make some simple game with all this kind of things ;)

4. Yes. In the models path (something like PlatinumArtsSandbox/packages/models/*folderofmodel*/*model.cfg*) you can change the mdlscale.
5. That can be done as well, and it too requires a little bit of coding. I'd recommend taking a look at this:

By far the best Cubescript tutorial out there and I used it myself to learn CS. And no problem, it's my job here after all :) If I find that map file, I'll send it too you for you to check out.

Re: Help for begginer - answer my simple questions please

Posted: July 21st, 2012, 4:04 am
by Ferda12
Thank you for replies!

To point 1: Did you already find that code you wrote about? :)