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New Textures

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 5:18 pm
by johnno56
I am in need of "decorating" the walls of my new map. Sandbox seems to be a bit lacking in that area. My question is: How do I make new textures (specifications etc) and how to I import such textures? I am using version 2.3



Re: New Textures

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 6:40 pm
by Joe Staff
Add your textures into the "packages" folder and ingame type [/texture 0 "texture.PNG"] the location should be in quotations " " I don't think it has to be a .PNG but it seems to work best for detail, also if you stick it into a folder you have to add that
example: "textures/MyStuff/texture.png"

Re: New Textures

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 11:47 pm
by Mike
There are tons of textures we could add to Sandbox, but then what happens is that Sandbox becomes a mega huge download. I'm sure a lot of home users wouldn't mind so much but when downloading at schools you can really feel it. However, one thing we have talked about doing is content packs. Maybe that would be the way to go. We just have so much we want to do and so little man power than we can't hit all these bases at once. If anyone wants to help in this area you are more than welcome. Generally textures are a multiple of 64X64, though 256X256 and 512X512 are the norm for wall textures and anything that is going to repeat a lot. The more times a texture repeats, the more comp power it is using up.

To add new textures, if you are doing it to an existing map, you can try as Joe said, or what I do is edit the map art-config and enter it at the very bottom of where the other textures are referenced. If I want to be able to use that texture for any new maps I make, I would want to go into /data/default_map_settings.cfg and add in the new texture at the bottom of that. The best thing to do when adding it in is look how it was done with the other textures and copy that format. It is very important to put it at the end or else you change the order of the textures in your map, which means where once was one texture, could be another. Take care.

Re: New Textures

Posted: June 21st, 2009, 1:28 am
by Joe Staff
Remember when creating textures, an 8x8 pixel is the same as the smallest possible square, this is good to know when you need to offset an already existing texture by 1 or more squares.

Re: New Textures

Posted: June 21st, 2009, 6:14 am
by johnno56

Thanks for the info for placing the textures. Most helpful. Also, love your signature graphic. Somebody likes God mode in Doom... Great game. Still play it now and then.


Thanks for the specs. By the way, what bitrate should they be? 8, 16, 32?

At the moment, I have plenty of time to spare. I will try to produce similar decorations for original Wolfenstien 3D and post when I am finished. Could take some time but will try to get it done asap. If they are acceptable, and I can refine the process of creating the beasties quickly, I would be more than willing to help out.

Thanks again for your help, guys.



Re: New Textures

Posted: June 21st, 2009, 6:23 pm
by johnno56
Hey guys,

Created a test image 512x512 (sample text enclosed by a wide line border - text in a box) and added it to the default_map_settings.cfg as per instructions. I even tried to add the new texture via the command line in Sandbox: /texture 0 "texturepack/testing.jpg"

The thumbnail image of the test texture does not appear with all the other textures in the texture menus.

Am I doing something wrong? I will try to attach the default_map_settings.cfg content.

Note: I am using version 2.3

Code: Select all

// default settings for maps

// on every map load, this file will be executed, followed by
// "package.cfg" in the package dir of the map, and "<mapname>.cfg",
// which you can use to override the settings in this file.

// to make a custom version for your map, DO NOT COPY this file,
// but instead make a .cfg with only those things which are different

setgravity 200
jumpvelocity 200
movespeed 100

exec "data/default_map_models.cfg"

//Let's execute the music config, so we can have some songs.

exec data/music.cfg

// the skybox for this map:

skybox "loopix/daysky"
cloudlayer ""
cloudbox ""

//before we get to the boring stuff, let's add some sounds

mapsound freesound/fireplace 255 32767
mapsound freesound/waterfall 200 32767
mapsound freesound/crickets 200 32767
mapsound freesound/waterdrops 255 32767
mapsound freesound/undertreeinrain 175 32767


exec packages/hirato/water.cfg

// texture water hirato/water.jpg
// texture 1 "textures/waterfall.jpg" // waterfall
// texture 1 hirato/watern.jpg
// texture 1 hirato/waterdudv.jpg
// texture 1 "textures/waterfalln.jpg"    // waterfall normals
// texture 1 "textures/waterfalldudv.jpg" // waterfall distortion

texture lava hirato/lava.jpg
texture 1 hirato/lava.jpg

// texture definitions for the map:

// texture 0 is hardcoded as the sky
// texture 2 is the default wall texture (for new maps)
// texture 3 is the default floor texture
// texture 4 is the default ceiling texture

texturereset    // starts the texture slot/index at 0

setshader stdworld   // use default world shader unless specified otherwise

texture 0 "loopix/daysky_bk.jpg"

setshader decalworld

texture 0 "golgotha/water2.jpg"
texscroll .3 .1
texture 1 golgotha/water2over.png

setshader stdworld

texture 0 "texturepack/veg061.jpg"
texture 0 "texturepack/veg061.jpg"
texture 0 "texturepack/veg061.jpg"
texture 0 "texturepack/veg061.jpg"
texture 0 "texturepack/veg061.jpg"
texture 0 "texturepack/veg061.jpg"

texture 0 "texturepack/veg061.jpg"
texlayer 45
autograss "textures/grass_kurt2.png"
texture 0 "aard/aardograss_1.jpg"
setshader stdworld
exec "packages/aard/package.cfg"

exec "packages/cloward/package.cfg"
exec "packages/loopix/package.cfg"
exec "packages/textures/package.cfg"
texture 0 "aard/aardfdry256_1.jpg"   
exec "packages/texturepack/package.cfg

setshader bumpspecmapworld

setpixelparam 1 .8 .8 .8

texture 0 hirato/tiles.jpg 0 0 0 .25
texture n hirato/tilesN.jpg 0 0 0 .25
texture s hirato/tilesS.jpg 0 0 0 .25

setshader glowworld

texture 0 hirato/lighta.jpg
texture g hirato/lighta_g.jpg

setshader bumpspecmapparallaxpulseglowworld

setpixelparam 0 .8 .8 .8
setvertexparam 4 1
setpixelparam 5 .3 .3 .3
setpixelparam 1 .8 .8 .8
setpixelparam 2 .3 -0.03

texture 0 "hirato/dfloor.jpg"
texture n "hirato/dfloorN.jpg"
texture s "hirato/dfloorS.jpg"
texture g "hirato/dfloorG.jpg"
texture z "hirato/dfloorZ.jpg"

setpixelparam 0 1. .2 .2
setpixelparam 5 .4 .1 .1

texture 0 "hirato/dfloor.jpg"
texture n "hirato/dfloorN.jpg"
texture s "hirato/dfloorS.jpg"
texture g "hirato/dfloorG.jpg"
texture z "hirato/dfloorZ.jpg"

setpixelparam 0 .2 0.9 .2
setpixelparam 5 .1 .4 .1

texture 0 "hirato/dfloor.jpg"
texture n "hirato/dfloorN.jpg"
texture s "hirato/dfloorS.jpg"
texture g "hirato/dfloorG.jpg"
texture z "hirato/dfloorZ.jpg"

setpixelparam 0 .2 .2 1.
setpixelparam 5 .1 .1 .4

texture 0 "hirato/dfloor.jpg"
texture n "hirato/dfloorN.jpg"
texture s "hirato/dfloorS.jpg"
texture g "hirato/dfloorG.jpg"
texture z "hirato/dfloorZ.jpg"

setpixelparam 0 0.9 .2 0.9
setpixelparam 5 .4 .1 .4

texture 0 "hirato/dfloor.jpg"
texture n "hirato/dfloorN.jpg"
texture s "hirato/dfloorS.jpg"
texture g "hirato/dfloorG.jpg"
texture z "hirato/dfloorZ.jpg"

setpixelparam 0 0.9 0.9 .2
setpixelparam 5 .4 .4 .1

texture 0 "hirato/dfloor.jpg"
texture n "hirato/dfloorN.jpg"
texture s "hirato/dfloorS.jpg"
texture g "hirato/dfloorG.jpg"
texture z "hirato/dfloorZ.jpg"

setpixelparam 0 .4 0.9 0.9
setpixelparam 5 .1 .4 .4

texture 0 "hirato/dfloor.jpg"
texture n "hirato/dfloorN.jpg"
texture s "hirato/dfloorS.jpg"
texture g "hirato/dfloorG.jpg"
texture z "hirato/dfloorZ.jpg"

setpixelparam 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
setpixelparam 5 0.0 0.0 0.0

texture 0 "hirato/dfloor.jpg"
texture n "hirato/dfloorN.jpg"
texture s "hirato/dfloorS.jpg"
texture g "hirato/dfloorG.jpg"
texture z "hirato/dfloorZ.jpg"

exec packages/textures/mikee/packages.cfg
exec packages/textures/e8texpack/package.cfg

setshader bumpparallaxworld

texture 0 "hirato/woodwall.jpg"
texture z "hirato/woodwall_z.jpg"
texture n "hirato/woodwall_n.jpg"

setshader stdworld

texture 0 "aard/aardograss_1.jpg" 
autograss "textures/greengrass.png"

setshader bumpspecmapparallaxworld

setpixelparam 1 .8 .8 .8

texture 0 "hirato/mansionwall1.jpg"
texture n "hirato/mansionwall1n.jpg"
texture s "hirato/mansionwall1s.jpg"
texture z "hirato/mansionwall1z.jpg"

texscale 0.5

texture 0 "<mad:.1/.4/1>hirato/mansionwall1.jpg"
texture n "hirato/mansionwall1n.jpg"
texture s "hirato/mansionwall1s.jpg"
texture z "hirato/mansionwall1z.jpg"

texscale 0.5

setshader bumpenvspecmapglowworld
setpixelparam 3 .35 .35 .35
setpixelparam 1 1 1 1
setpixelparam 0 .7 .7 .7

texture 0 "hirato/glass.png"
texture n "hirato/glassn.png"
texture s "hirato/glasss.png"
texture g "hirato/glassg.png"

texscale 2

setshader bumpparallaxworld

texture 0 "texturepack/wood096.jpg"
texture n "texturepack/wood096n.jpg"
texture z "texturepack/wood096h.jpg"

texscale 0.25

setshader stdworld

texture 0 "<mad:.45/.40/.3>texturepack/wood060.jpg"

texscale 0.25

setshader bumpspecmapparallaxworld

texture 0 hirato/sand.jpg
texture n hirato/sandn.jpg
texture z hirato/sandz.jpg
texture s hirato/sands.jpg

texture 0 hirato/sand.jpg
texture n hirato/sandn.jpg
texture z hirato/sandz.jpg
texture s hirato/sands.jpg
texlayer 9 //grass

texture 0 hirato/sand.jpg
texture n hirato/sandn.jpg
texture z hirato/sandz.jpg
texture s hirato/sands.jpg
texlayer 58 //moss

setshader stdworld

texture 0 "aard/aardograss_1.jpg"
texlayer 58 //moss

texture 0 "aard/aardograss_1.jpg"
autograss "textures/greengrass.png"
texlayer 160 //dirt

exec packages/OF/packages.cfg

setshader bumpparallaxworld

texture 0 hirato/snow.jpg
texture z hirato/snow_z.jpg
texture n hirato/snow_n.jpg

setshader stdworld
texture 0 "texturepack/Asphalt_03_04.jpg"
texlayer 184 //snow

texture 0 loopix/wall4.jpg
texlayer 184 //snow

setshader bumpspecparallaxworld

setpixelparam 1 .6 .6 .6

texture 0 "cloward/bricksDiffuse.jpg"
texture n "cloward/bricksNormal.tga"
texture z "cloward/bricksDepth.jpg"
texlayer 184 //snow

exec packages/painkillah/package.cfg

texture 0 "texturepack/testing.jpg"


ps: I have even tried placing the testing.jpg texture before the exec of package.cfg - same result.

ps: I have also tried placing the testing.jpg in a director outside of Sandbox.

Re: New Textures

Posted: June 22nd, 2009, 12:16 am
by Joe Staff
texturepack is in sandbox/packages directory? Try using .PNG instead of .JPG

Re: New Textures

Posted: June 22nd, 2009, 1:18 am
by johnno56

I have the image file in the texturepack directory. I have tried both png and jpg. No luck. I am going to try using the same image with Sauerbraten. Then I should be able to tell if it is my image file or sandbox. I suspect my file, but will test it anyway.

Let you know soon.



Re: New Textures

Posted: June 22nd, 2009, 2:06 am
by johnno56
Just a quick question.

Can Sauerbraten's textures be imported into Sandbox? If so, how?



Re: New Textures

Posted: June 22nd, 2009, 3:37 am
by Hirato
anything related to sauerbraten can be imported into sandbox, we use the exact same engine afterall :P

and you're not trying to use the texture on an existing map are you?
that'd require you to modify a map's -art.cfg

since you're modifying the default map_settings, test it on a newmap, rather than on an existing map