Over time, I've slowly made a list of things I'd like to see in the new release of Sandbox. It's primarily bugfixes, menu simplifying, and very few feature requests. Some of them might be understandable, like updating old maps to reflect new textures which follow the "no non-commercial content" policy that I believe is being used. Others, not as much. Anyways, here it is:
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2.7 Wishlist:
*Renamed mapsizes, or at least give us more options
*in that: maps that are, say, 1x9, not just 9x9
*mapsizes smaller than 10 (or rename the sizes to 1 and up, why start at 10?)
*Remade eyecandy maps, using new textures
*All non-commerical textures/models/etc should be gone by now. I'd hope there are good replacements for them. If there aren't, a list of removed content should be put up so we (the community) may make proper replacements for them.
*Inclusion of some of Sauerbraten's default maps, such as Spiralz (http://quadropolis.us/node/1561)
*Inclusion of "aiclip" (creature clip, or AI clip) in the "materials" menu
*Am I allowed to ask for a mass-cloning/mass cut/copy and paste tool? Would make adding small lights much easier, along with the creation of forests.
*Better launcher:
*needs to have a newmap option
*also add a new eyecandy map which loads quick and efficiently, I dislike how "House" is the default even though (for me) it loads slower than a turtle climbing up a molasses-covered hill.
*Change moviecube to KRS
*Could the launcher application window get a minimize to bar button? (On windows, I think I mean the first of the three buttons, the dash/underscore).
*name the batch files to 3-letter mode acronyms (FPS, SSP, RPG, MVC, KRS)
*Speaking of moviemode: yank it. If Hirato's done with it, so be it.
*all textures go in the textures file, similar to the models file
*5 subfolders in packages, each with a person/company's subfolder:
*packages/sound (could be combined with music)
*Inclusion of custom textures by Tyche, Arc and Cork (as long as Arc and Cork agree on some things, I noticed they have a few very similar textures), along with anyone else's textures.
*Also inclusion of custom whatever else.
*Cork's new music is a must.
*For esequil's vehicle simulator map to work, his custom textures need to be included.
*Personally, I'd like to see some of the textures from Sauerbraten included as well. There are a lot of good ones out there.
*http://www.md2.sitters-electronics.nl/skyboxes.html (warning: NOT CHILD FRIENDLY)
*Maybe a repository-style site linked to the PAS homepage for patches and expansion packs? Would make uploading content (along with downloading it) safer and easier. And trustier as well (is trustier even a word? More trustable? IDK.)
*We need to think of a way so that when we upload maps that use custom content, the content comes with the map, similar to the way MCO and RCotS work.
*Is it possible to somehow fix the FBP colored tiles? They repeat. And I believe that's intended (they have different shaders), but could there be a method to make that more obvious? And are the textures supposed to repeat? (I'm thinking along the lines of masks, but that's for models, so IDK...)
*The texture menu should show details such as 3D grass. The aardograss in texture slot 1 and texture slot 64 use two different 3D grasses.
*Clean up the normal folder, too many links, text documents, etc.
*Speaking of this, here might be one that's useful (from http://quadropolis.us/node/2328)
"default gridsizes we need:
12~9 - only for copy big parts,like 1 part of a ctf map, not for real editing though
8~7 - for copying smaller parts of the map, like houses, terrains etc
6~5 - for building the Main layout, and making buildings, roofs etc, mountains, materials
4 - default size for Crates, Terrain Size, materials
3 - Size to hollow buildings, making doors, windows, wall thickness,
2 - default size for planks, details, borders
1~0 - Details only, you should NEVER ever create buildings with it" - MisanthropX
*Add to help menu?
*Fix the help menu, don't make it a useless re-direct; either add more options or make it a direct link to the keybinds menu to save time. It's just one less option to click. Or something like that. Maybe we can add some useful commands, such as lighting commands, to a list. And by commands, I mean those found on the editing references.
*Fix the main menu, what's with the weird space? At least add a guibar (then it would look a bit better, as it would separate the "about" and "quit" options from the other ones)
*Adjust the loading screen so there aren't conflicting graphics (e.g. the FPS logo is blocked by the map's preview square), this is actually just fine in most of the other modes, it's only fps that's affected.
*I'd hope that "config_fps" problem would be fixed by now.
*Was there a maxfps bar somewhere in options? Bring that back.
*A choice on whether to use guisliders or guifields for numeric input (e.g. entities), I hate having to type everything because then I slow down a lot. Guisliders are great for colors and trigger types.
*Why is there a game tab under options if it's useless? "there are no game options to configure"
*Clean up the default maps, why do we have 4 tutorials, a useless mapchange, and other such maps? I understand eyecandy maps such as ladder, fishtest and ssp maps, but half-done maps like those just take up space.
*make the editing section of the main menu similar to the "Editing GUI" menu, they're essentially the same, just with more options and a better order.
*If mike wants to update + add in his wanted model list like in previous versions, that'd be nice. Maybe textures, skyboxes and music/sounds as well. That way, those of us who'd like to make content for PAS could do so.
*Faster floatspeeds, if possible (it's hard trying to navigate a 13-size map even on 1000 floatspeed)
*Switch fog directions. Make 0/16 equal to no fog, and 1000024 (or whatever it is) all fog.
*Maybe more GUIs, I heard Leo's Karbon Guis would be included. We could take out the old ones from 2.3 and older, change to a cooler default GUI; perhaps a new, special, AWESOME 2.7 gui?!
*Really need to find a good way to reduce the folder size.
*Clear out old NonCommercial models, textures and content
*Get rid of some old boring GUIs (in my opinion), replace them with KARBON and more...?
*BasicGray (I always found that one to be very, uh, dull and gray.)
*MovieCube (if it's not going to be included)
*Clean up the excessive web links and help docs.
*Would it be possible to make the source code a separate download? Or does that go against the license?
*A version of Sauerbraten I have didn't include the source code for some reason. But that may just be a bug.
*Why is there a config_fps and config_rpg in my main folder, along with versions in mystuff? There's also server_init.cfg in there...?
*Add the Human character model to the list of playermodels, use the '9' keybind to get to him, not /playermodel 8 or whatever.
*Ability to switch modes: e.g. you're in an FPS map, but then you change to an RPG map, so you change to RPG mode.
*Just an idea: new sort of workflow.
*1. Create the map, including geometry and materials, in a default, no-specialties mode.
*2. Add entities and scripting in any of the special modes (e.g. FPS, SSP, RPG)
*Work on the SSP mode.
*Give entities properties and scroll support, no "error: delta_edit" stuff
*Make the mode easier to use.
*Would it be possible to:
*1. Create angle snapping for entities? So that we can automatically snap to every, say, 15 degrees?
*2. Make the console caps non-sensitive (e.g. SAVEMAP = savemap = SaVeMaP)
*How would I phrase this... A folder system, such as the way RPG (for 2.7 SVN) is set up, with folders for maps, scripts and the like. I think it would make everything a bit simpler. The system would be used for all modes, and could include folders for images (specifically guiimages and such, not textures), along with other things.
*New map-switch screen, one that just acts like a normal teleport-teledest style thing. Maybe scripting could play a part here, use a script to determine how your maps switch.
*A few more options for customization, such as changeable fonts and such.
*See here: http://quadropolis.us/node/3086
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even more new textures (justanother1's "Joes" pack would be nice)
preview box fix
SSP and KRS mode advancements
ice + ladder material (unlikely? perhaps)
remade eyecandy/demo maps
new creatures and models
*cool androids
*"Danbo" or something similar
*ragdoll, such as the LBP one, or from Ragdoll Blaster...?
*a variety of people (pirate, viking, ninja, knight (arthurian), elf/dwarf, superhero, orc,
*half-human things?
*whatever thing you would have as a playable character in a game (likely humanoids)
*mythical creatures (but when does a horde of dragons follow you?)
*pets (a cute dog that follows you around, perhaps?)
*bugs!? (and other pests)
*fish...? (I know we already have an animated one, but even then...)
*things that follow you
*any creatures that don't chase you (calimer/mike's frog, that kinda stuff)
*daily things, vases, that kinda stuff...
*lots of foodstuffs would be nice
*things that would be animated, or things that can't be simply made in PAS (e.g. curved stuff)
minimap modification (highlight dead enemies with a different color)
simple addition of custom content (I mentioned skyboxes)
water wars, "fps with the s" (thank you justanother1)
snowball fight mode
footsteps and other sounds
.3ds model support (unlikely by what Hirato said, but he may've been referring to the .max format)
dynamic model changing
new water physics? (unlikely)
definitely a reworked help menu
Bullet physics
geometry library (e.g. templates)
more movement options
Octaforge Features (Unlikely)
new lava/water skins (which can be changed as wanted)
new default textures (something similar to Sauerbraten, with the tiled default ground tex, maybe Leo's dev-textures)
animated loadscreens
3.0.0 stuff:
likely the above
new commercial-OK content (including lots and lots of new model replacements)
have I mentioned the logo?
new guis, maybe? loading screen and such as well?
GUI or keybinds for waypoints
Mouse-based driving for KRS
Space vehicles
Perlin command for heightmaps